BG5 Business: Leveraging Fractals for Personal and Professional Growth

BG5 Business Leveraging Fractals

By Lynda Bunnell, BG5BI Dean

Throughout my teacher training courses with Ra, a concept that was validated to me in my work with Human Design over several decades was that of fractals. You can find these intricate patterns everywhere in nature, and their repetitive, self-similar structure offers a unique lens through which we can view the world, including our businesses.

Fractal connections are instrumental for students’ learning and growth. Ra, a visionary in his field, advocated that for a student to comprehend a subject truly, they must learn from the appropriate instructor. This aligns with the 9-centered perspective, an outlook we ardently uphold that emphasizes holistic understanding and interconnectedness.

Let’s take a real-world example to illustrate this concept. Imagine a small business owner needing help finding the right strategy to grow their business. They try different mentors, attend workshops, and read myriad books, but the right solution eludes them. It’s not until they meet a mentor whose approach resonates with them deeper that they finally find the guidance they’ve been seeking. The mentor’s teachings seem to ‘click’ and provide the direction the business owner needs to make the right decisions, leading to successful growth.

This mentor is their ‘correct fractal,’ and it’s through this fractal that they understand and implement the teachings most effectively. This has been a guiding principle throughout my teaching career, and it’s an approach I’ve upheld while working with the IHDS and BG5BI.

Observing students transition from one teacher to another is akin to witnessing their journey in finding their correct fractal. It is a quest not influenced by personal reasons but by their search for an instructor who resonates with their learning style and provides the necessary insights. As a mentor, I always wish students to find the correct fractal that best serves their learning journey.

One of Ra’s critical teachings emphasizes the need for students or clients to find us – the correct instructors or professionals who can guide them. This necessitates our presence on various platforms like webinars, articles, social media, newsletters, and strategy sessions, making it easier for potential students or clients to discover their correct fractal.

Look around you; the people in your life are all on your fractal. Your magnetic monopole – a force intrinsic to your design – guides you down your life’s path, attracting those on your fractal to you. Like an unseen cosmic GPS, this force navigates you towards encounters with people, places, and experiences vital for fulfilling your life’s work or purpose.

Some individuals might briefly be part of your fractal; others may remain forever. Although the duration might be uncertain, their contribution to our lives is substantial, just as ours is to theirs. Again, it’s crucial to remember that these dynamics aren’t personal; they’re simply a part of life’s mechanics.

To sum up, fractals provide an intriguing and valuable framework for understanding our personal and professional relationships. Whether you’re an educator, a business professional, or a lifelong learner, understanding and leveraging fractals’ power can enhance personal growth and business success.

The BG5 Business System is a body of knowledge that utilizes Human Design for Career and Business for personal and professional growth. The system is rooted in the core mechanical principles of Human Design, which provides an understanding of our unique energy and how we interact with the world around us. BG5 Business utilizes this understanding to enable individuals to realize their full potential and improve their business success. The system includes tools for career planning and decision-making, as well as for team development and management. With the help of BG5 Business, individuals can identify their strengths and weaknesses, develop their skills, and create a plan for achieving their career goals. Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves on many different levels. By leveraging fractals, individuals can gain insight into the behavior patterns holding them back and identify the steps needed to move forward. Ultimately, BG5 Business helps individuals achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

Lynda Bunnell
Lynda Bunnell is the Director and Dean of both the International Human Design School and The BG5 Business Institute. Working closely with Ra Uru Hu since 1999, she was one of the first to begin teaching the public about Human Design and training Human Design professional Analysts and Teachers world-wide, including the first class of analysts under the new educational program re-structured by Ra in 2003. In 2005, she and Ra were among the first to teach Human Design on-line creating a virtual space where students from all over the world could meet and study together. In 2006 at his request, she re-introduced the Living Your Design Guide training program. Lynda has pioneered many of the training methods and modalities used in the on-line training programs today, and is the author of the Student and Teacher Editions of the Living Your Design books and co-author with Ra Uru Hu of the Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation.


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