Many people think Human Design is about waking up to your true self. And it is. Yet there’s an incredible secret that working with the BG5 Business Institute can let you in on. There’s money to be made in that openness where you have wisdom potential— the shadows and distractions transformed can lead you to your greatest profit potential for others.
In 2012, I quit my work and threw myself entirely into studying the Human Design System after a wake-up call from a 6/2 Builder with the Lifework of Separation (with the Alpha and Flow strengths). He took me by the shoulders once he saw my chart and said, “You need to know this!” Experimentation with the system quickly convinced me there was something very important here.
I had been working in an unhealthy way that drained my energy. I was constantly sick, bitter, angry, ashamed of how my life ended up, and paranoid about whom I thought I was. I was working away for other people’s long-term benefit, and my life did not leave me with the sweetness of the success I desired.
Because of Human Design and the people who recognized and invited me in, I have a profitable multi-six figure business I love, helping and teaching others, successful work partnerships, ideal clients in my life who “get” me, friends who accept me as I am, along with a loving husband and a nourishing relationship with my child.
Human Design helped me to see my mind clearly and accept what is, rather than trying to manipulate reality because of fears for survival. I’m happier and more content with what is than ever before; calmer despite the turbulence of modern day life.
If you’re ready, I’d like to share the Human Design System Success Secrets that helped me change my Fate—healthier and fulfilled with life’s journey, exactly as it is, with bumps in the road and tranquility to face the changes.
There are many exciting things Human Design for Business can teach us, like the career applications as a certified BG5 (small business) and OC16 (large business) Consultant, plus Life Cycles and the BG5 Profit Potential knowledge. I have leveraged this information for myself and my clients to produce more vitality in their lives while also serving humanity better than ever!
BG5BI offers in-depth training on utilizing your strengths, talents, and gifts as a successful career professional. I’ll walk you through understanding how you are designed to be yourself and still profit. We’ll provide the action steps you need to take to learn to live your career design and implement it like a pro.
Don’t get me wrong—this isn’t a get-rich-quick thing by any means. It takes time and energy to turn your passion into a career, something I’ve done successfully, and I love sharing what I know to help others do the same.
Would you like to join me in an accessible introduction to one of the most life-altering concepts in BG5?
Our trainings offer a tremendous opportunity for those lucky enough to recognize the value of the Human Design System applied to the career and work world. With our guidance, you can look at your chart and know how you are here to be financially successful.
Implementing Human Design for business using our BG5BI methods has allowed me to live a lifelong dream that seems to be the dream of many nowadays—working from home with people worldwide, doing what I LOVE—helping people be their authority despite the uncertainty and challenges they face in a rapidly changing world. I didn’t have the advantage of going through a program like this when I began. Now you do!
Having an income doing what you love makes your entrepreneurial life sustainable long-term, so you can reach people and change their lives.
We can’t wait to see how this work changes your life!

As a Certified BG5® and IHDS Faculty teacher with over 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur, Laveena Archers is gifted in providing empowering career advice and guidance to business owners and entrepreneurs. She helps her clients market themselves effectively, lead their teams to increased efficiency and profitability, and discover their ideal career path that aligns with their passions and purpose. Laveena’s unique leadership style combines imagination, inspiration, and a strong understanding of how individuals fit into the workplace to help others succeed and improve their bottom line. If you seek a meaningful and financially rewarding career in Human Design, Laveena can educate and help you connect your strengths, skills, and natural work style to the bigger picture. Get started with BG5 and take the first step towards a successful career that fulfills your life’s work.
P.S. Many people feel lost when deciding what to do with their lives and give up on their passion, living life without fire. Don’t let this be you! Join us today!