By: Alexandra Goulimi
While most individuals do not particularly appreciate waiting, it makes up the most powerful and fertile time intervals in the life of Builders and Express Builders. The challenge is to keep a distance from the interpretations the mind is used to attaching to waiting. It can be a very intense and rewarding process that couldn’t be further away from inaction.
Decision-Making Strategy
Waiting is a critical part of the Builder’s decision-making strategy. It precedes the gut response to a stimulus from the outer world. Emotional Builders’ decision-making strategy includes even more waiting since they need to reach (emotional) clarity once they have responded. Waiting could be described as a time of preparation for life’s unknown. It brings a sense of easygoing since the Builder only needs to trust that life will happen and deliver.
Movement and Resistance
In physics, we are all objects moving through space and time. While on their trajectory, Builders are designed to draw life – other objects – magnetically towards them. Each Builder has what is necessary for their process according to their specific design. They are regarding their aura mechanics, which are open and enveloping. This magnetic, open, and enveloping aura makes waiting a mechanical imperative for Builders. Waiting provides them with the necessary protection from levels of resistance they are not equipped to handle. Waiting to respond with their Energy Resource Function rather than deciding with the mind what and whom to engage with allows Builders to meet the least possible resistance on their trajectory. It is not only mechanically needless for them to chase after life and figure out what to “go get” next; it is also enormously detrimental and takes a toll on them both physically and psychologically.
Waiting and Mind
Waiting is interpreted by the mind as waiting for something that the mind wants or expects to happen. In the beginning of living one’s decision-making strategy as a Builder, the mind still projects on life all kinds of events or questions it thinks should happen or be asked. The mind continues to pursue its agenda. It doesn’t let go of trying to keep control over life. For the mind, it is unthinkable that anything can happen without it initiating. “Will anything ever come towards me? Will I ever be asked anything? Will anything ever happen if I don’t initiate it? How can anything happen if I don’t take the first step? Is anything going to happen if I wait? How can I do nothing?” etc.
Waiting and Being
Builders deal, especially in the beginning, with a persistent distrust that life unfolds inevitably and that the body’s intelligence is perfectly equipped to guide. Life may not unfold according to the mind’s plans, but it cannot be prevented from happening. Many years or even decades of conditioning to be a “doer” or a “go-getter” can lead a Builder to forget that life, for the most part, means “being,” not “doing.” Waiting tends to be misunderstood as waiting for X, Y, or Z to happen when, in fact, it is just being and being attuned to life and the stimuli it holds and being attuned and present to experiencing aliveness.
Waiting and the Material Way
It is challenging for the mind to accept the logic of waiting regarding the material, career, and business life. The mind is programmed by its fears of survival. It needs to figure out how to stay alive, act most efficiently, and ensure sufficient resources, a remnant of our seven-centered ancestors. This kind of mind still predominates, although we belong to the species of the nine-centered being, Homo Sapiens in Transitus, which is not designed to be mentally driven and controlled by fears of survival. The nine-centered being’s gift – our gift – is to have a reliable body consciousness/intelligence to navigate life and make decisions. Our very survival, our actions and behaviors, as well as the provision of necessary resources, are domains that the body and its decision-making strategy are designed to be fully responsible for. The role of the mind for the nine-centered being is to be the observer of survival, not the one struggling for survival. Neither the Builder nor any other career type is designed to make mental decisions to ensure survival. The Builder is not meant to make their material way happen or chase after material abundance, no matter what the mind’s interpretations of material success might be.
Course Correction in Waiting
Once Builders enter the experiment of living their decision-making strategy and start waiting, a process that could be described as course correction begins. The part of waiting, which practically means practicing disobedience to the mind’s suggestions and orders, is the most difficult but rewarding. That is your chance if you have always dreamt of being a revolutionist. Again, waiting does not mean doing nothing. It means not acting on the mind’s demands. Watching the mind’s interpretations can simultaneously be one of the saddest and most comedic spectacles. Watching the mind rather than acting on it sets forth both a process of the mind’s reeducation and the body’s transformation on a cellular level. Waiting and watching serve as a tool for an individual’s re-coordination. The course is being corrected towards one’s authenticity and self-love.
Empowering the Body and Relaxing the Mind
While waiting slowly but indeed changes the mind’s habits, what happens to the form/body is a cellular transformation and mutation of surgical precision. It couldn’t be less than that since conditioned patterns of behavior that are cellularly stored need to be deconditioned. The hardware (body) needs to be restored to such a level that the developing software (mind) can run smoothly. It is a holistic renewal that must begin with the body to bring forth an authentic, differentiated mind. While the form/body takes on power and establishes its guiding role, the mind starts to get acquainted with its new place. The more the body is anchored in its decision-making strategy, the more relaxed the mind becomes. Eventually, the mind is grateful for being relieved from falsely shouldered managerial duties.
Understanding and Reflecting
Waiting is, at its core, logical. It is a state of awareness that attunes to all forms and rhythms of life, from single-celled organisms to highly complex multicellular forms of life. Waiting holds the potential for understanding due to being a state of awareness. This potential lays the foundation for evolution and makes waiting an active state of being present in life. On the other hand, waiting is sensing since it holds the potential for reflection on past experiences for the sake of learning and collecting life’s emotional nuances. Without waiting in awareness of life occurring, human self-reflected consciousness becomes nothing but the mind occupied with recycling and justifying its dilemmas.
Isn’t it telling that Waiting is a trait in the Energy Resource Function that points toward the Identity and Direction Function? From this perspective, waiting could be understood as a way to (passively) apply energy to form identity and find direction. It is more than mechanically relevant for Builders and Express Builders. Since every individual has every single trait of all Functions at least as a temporary potential, as it might not be a fixed, reliably operating trait, waiting can be understood as a state that serves everyone in terms of Identity and Direction. It is vitally essential for Builders and Express Builders, for whom waiting is an integral part of their decision-making strategy. Builders and Express Builders are the career types meant to know themselves. Waiting is vitally essential for them as it mechanically generates their unique identity and specifies their direction.

Alexandra Goulimi is a certified Living Your Design Guide and has completed the BG5 Foundations training. Alexandra’s background is in Human Resources Development. She holds a Master’s Degree in Sociology and a PhD. in Communications. She is currently working in the private sector. Alexandra is an Express Builder with the Life’s Work of Penetration. Her public role is a Pioneer/Messenger.