The only real challenge when living the nature of one’s Energy Resource Function as a Builder or Express Builder is to deal with the mind. The Builder’s physical response mechanism, generated by that Function, makes decisions in a way that is for the mind neither accessible nor understandable.
Shadow Mind
Characteristic for the mind is that it interprets, categorizes, judges and labels all kinds of phenomena of an individual’s inner or outer world as good or bad, positive or negative, right or wrong, advantageous or disadvantageous etc., and makes decisions according to what it thinks is in its best interest. It does so based on previous interpretations and judgements that appear to be justified by past events and reliable to guide into the future. Layers over layers over layers of interpretations conditioning both thought by thought and action by action. The mind demands good reasons for doing this or not doing that. These might be the same reasons that cause millions of other individuals to think and act in exactly the same way. And may lead them to frustration, anger, disappointment or bitterness. The mind doesn’t care. Because it cannot care, it’s not its job to care. What it does is trying to resolve its dilemmas. Measuring the this against the that in an attempt to achieve the best thinkable outcome, to survive, to avoid failure or safe its reputation. A mind illusive of being in charge and in control of an individual’s life causing that individual to act out of a Shadow state that couldn’t be further away from their authenticity.
Observing Mind
For Builders and Express Builders as soon as they begin to live waiting to be guided by their Energy Resource Function’s response mechanism, it is this mechanism that replaces the mind’s activity as decision maker. The response mechanism takes on the responsibility to guide according to the Energy Resource Function’s availabilities and relieves the mind from a burden it is not equipped to handle. That’s when the mind can begin to learn to operate as an observer rather than an involved actor. The mind can begin to watch the spectacle rather than trying to manage it in the false believe that it is both the director and protagonist. The mind can begin to learn to discern between itself as a spectator and the unfolding spectacle. Eventually it may find its role enormously comfortable, enjoyable and entertaining, no matter what the spectacle happens to be.
Uniqueness on the Surface
The response mechanism is an expression of energy availability or not. It is for Builders and Express Builders the critical part of their decision-making strategy that needs to be trusted. The response mechanism is orchestrating the unique, fixed and reliable aspects of a builder’s design on the surface according to an individual’s specific definition. There are countless ways in which the Energy Resource Function can be connected to other Functions and form definition(s). Each specific definition determines a particular potential for availability, and all of them feed into the response of any given moment. A Builder’s Energy Resource Function might be connected to the Communication and/or Identity Function; there could be definition to the Survival Instinct and/or Emotional Intelligence as well as to the Drive & Stamina Functions. Each responding sound on the surface is a simple, highly reduced expression of the unique complexity that exists beneath the surface.
Micromanaging Mind
As long as the mind is in false charge of an individual’s life it attempts to micromanage a complexity it is not even aware of. It tries to manage the body’s energy resources, while completely ignoring the existence of the body’s inherent consciousness of its available resources. Mind is mind. The body is the Life, not the mind. The body experiences sensations, fatigue, satisfaction, pain, etc. Not the mind. The mind is the interpreter, not the experiencer. The mind’s interpretations are just that: interpretations. It thinks it thinks it thinks that it is a this or a that. It ignores the presence of the body’s consciousness.
Form Principle
The Human Design System and as a result BG5, its career and business application, is rooted in the form principle. It acknowledges the existence of the consciousness of the body besides the consciousness of the personality that is referred to as mind. The body (the DNA) is described as the hardware, whereas the personality or mind is the software. Without the hardware there’s nowhere to go and nothing to do, no matter how brilliant the software may be. To follow one’s decision-making strategy means first and foremost to turn over the power of decision making to where it belongs, to the form/body. And while this is true for all career types, it is of outstanding importance for Builders and Express Builders as they are tightly linked to this planet’s energy resources and are thus the carriers of the life force.
Mind has a huge potential to be beautiful. It is meant to serve as a means to commune, share, inspire, entertain and be inspired and entertained. Not to control life and make decisions on behalf of a body and its resources it has no clue of. Mind and the job of decision making are not a good match. Mind is meant to be an integral part of the quantum of what is experienced as life and not to control it. It is meant to let go of the burden of managing life and surrender to the form. Eventually it will be able to relax into the spectator’s seat and enjoy the journey and its spectacles.

Alexandra Goulimi is a certified Living Your Design Guide and has completed the BG5 Foundations training. Alexandra’s background is in Human Resources Development. She holds a Master’s Degree in Sociology and a PhD. in Communications. She is currently working in the private sector. Alexandra is an Express Builder with the Life’s Work of Penetration. Her public role is a Pioneer/Messenger.