We live in a world dominated by emotion. Feelings, passion, desires, needs… these are all part of the human experience, here on Earth and we cannot escape it.
Emotions are such a big part of our lives, but few of us truly understand how they work and why they work the way that they do. And this is one of the reasons why we live in such a distorted emotional field that translates into all the drama and pain that we see manifest in the world.
So many people want to escape their emotions, especially the” negative” ones… because no one showed them how they work and the amazing purpose they have.
Indeed, is not an easy thing to allow that kind of chemistry to run through our body, without attaching to it or trying to give it a meaning. But chemistry is just chemistry, is not” good” or” bad” is just a flavour of the emotional spectrum that we, human beings, are here to experiment in order to have rich, amazing, emotional lives. It makes the movie of life so much more interesting to watch…isn’t it?
Try to imagine how our life would look without emotions, we would be these perfect robots that experience no pain, no sadness, no grief, but in the same time, we would not feel excitement, hope, love, ecstasy, bliss, etc.
I remembered watching a movie, a few years ago, that tried to express this idea of an evolved society that had no wars, no criminality, because they found a way to supress all feeling by giving everyone a pill that had this repressive effect.
In this” perfect” society, feelings were considered to be a disease and were totally banned. It was illegal to feel and love was considered to be a crime. They” programed” their children since birth that, having feelings is a dangerous disease so they should do everything to stay away from getting infected with this feeling virus.
So, if they would catch someone who feels, they would try to” correct” their illegal behaviour by forcing them to take their dose of pills or they would have just killed them, if they choose not to obey, because they were considered to be treat to this” perfect” society and punished with death, by law.
Is interesting to see the human behaviour, most just conformed, but there were a few that would put their life’s on the line, just for the privilege to fell ALL emotions.
Now, let’s be honest, no one prefers to feel the down side of the emotional spectrum, but we live in a polarity/duality and you cannot experience one without the other. They come together, being different facets of the same coin, called Feeling.
I was one of the persons that embraced her positive emotions while hating her negative feelings. Then, I met BG5 and my world completely shifted, because finally I understood why I am the way that I am and what I can do, in a practical way, to live with this side of myself which I always judged thinking that something was wrong with me and I need to find ways to fix myself.
But I am emotionally defined so, I am here to go through all spectrum of emotions, the ups and downs, in order to find clarity and access my Innate Emotional Intelligence. So, I cannot access my intelligence if I don’t accept all of my emotions, because they are not there to hurt me, they have a beautiful purpose.
I am an Emotional Classic Builder so my emotions are part of the way I am designed to make the best decisions in my life. I am a strongly emotionally defined person having my own fixed way in which I experience emotions. I have the source wave and the tribal wave plus, a trait in the individual and one trait in a collective wave.
Emotions operate in waves and are never still. You gain depth and clarity over time so you can never trust what you feel in the moment. This can be your curse or your gift, depending if you are aware or not of how your emotions work.
Before BG5 being so emotional was a true curse. I remember how painful it was … I used to have these big emotional explosions and then, I was full of guilt and regret. And I never understood why this was always happening in my life. I was at the mercy of my uncontrolled and chaotic emotions and I was making all my decisions based on whatever I felt in that moment, which put me on the path of perpetual sufferance and victimhood.
I remember how damaging this was when I used to work in the corporate world. I received an email that triggered some emotions in the moment and I would immediately respond back from that distorted emotional place adding to the emotional chaos that we see in the workplace.
Also, how damaging this was in my personal intimate relationships that I had in the past. I would have these emotional uncontrolled emotions directed at my partner and also spoke words there were never meant to be spoken and make decisions under the heat of the moment which put me on a path of great suffering in my relationships.
Now, after BG5 came into my life, because I understand the way my emotions work, my emotions became my greatest gift, they truly are… and I became to LOVE being emotional.
For me, 2023 was the year that, if I could give it a title, like a book title, it would be called:” The year of Feeling comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.” Why? Because I guess this was the side of my emotional life that I had to accept and integrate fully into my human experience, in order to live my design completely.
Now, I do not act based on what I feel in the moment or the story my mind feed me when I am especially down on my wave and I just allow my body to fully process all there is to process because I have now so many proofs that, in the end, if you wait long enough, you will always receive the gift of peace, fulfilment and correctness.
In conclusion, if you are emotionally defined, your emotions are blessings that you can take advantage of and as you accept your true nature, and they become your greatest gift.
Emotions are a personal chemistry that we are here to experience and there is no reason for what we feel. When you give a reason to the way you feel and act on the emotion you feel in the moment you will have a chaotic life and you will condition those around you in a negative way.
When you understand the way your emotions work and start to operate correctly, you have a double win. The first win is that your life improves consistently and you make the best decisions. The second win is that you understand the power you have especially over the people that are emotionally undefined and you bless them by providing a healthy emotional field that they take in, when in your presence.
Dare to feel all and do nothing!
If you are emotionally defined, WAIT for the clarity before you speak or act, and something that, now, you may experience as a curse, will transform into the biggest gift you can offer yourself and others.

Meet Alina Jitariu, one of our esteemed Instructor for BG5 Foundation and various BG5 Business Institute special programs in Romanian language.
Alina is a career and business BG5 Consultant and an Instructor for the BG5 Business Institute. She is a published author with a solid background in psychology, training and human development.
With her life work theme of Service, she is here to assist and serve humanity with her unique gifts and talents. She has a logical understanding of what it means to be human, being moved by dissatisfaction to focus on correcting, reorganizing and serving humanity.
Alina uses a holistic approach in her work, being able to see a person beyond the surface. Having a completely open Identity she naturally acts as a mirror being able to guide people back into alignment with their true authentic self.
If you are ready for a true and radical transformation, if you are ready to live at your fullest potential, Alina is the right person for you to assist you on your personal journey of self-discovery and self-mastery.
Be on the lookout for these courses coming soon and join Alina Jitariu on an empowering journey to unlock the secrets of BG5 and cultivating a winning mindset.
Join her next BG5 Foundation Course in Romanian language