In BG5, the strength 18-58 is called Judgement. So, if you have this strength defined in your unique Design, this article is for you.
Judgment is part of my Life’s work theme of Service so, I am very familiar with this energy. It is part of the collective circuitry and sharing is part of my process.
So, here is my short sharing…
Before I knew anything about BG5, this amazing gift that I had no idea how to use, was working against me causing a lot of pain and misunderstanding in my life, which made me bitter in my relationship and acting as the victim of my circumstances.
When you have this gift, you always see what needs to be improved and corrected and this is a beautiful thing if used correctly, especially in business and not on a personal level. But, when is misused it can transform into the ugliest thing, both for yourself and others. Your gift becomes a curse.
To be honest, I feel like my correction always came from a” good” place and I never had any idea how the other person feels and how much damage this can bring to my relationships, because” I was right” and I wanted what is best for them! At least I thought so. And most of the time I was right, but, you see, that is not the issue, is not about being right or wrong, is about the frequency that it transmits to the other, who might not be open to that correction or who might feel it like a painful criticism or you just being mean.
Now, when I see something, on a personal level and I feel that urge to correct, the first question I ask myself is:” Alina, do you want to be right or do you want to be kind and loving? What is most important to you, the harmony of the relationship or being right?” So, now most of the time I choose kindness and I don’t say anything unless I am asked. Even then, I am trying to say it lovingly, because I want my words to be like a balm, rather than salt put on a wound. After all, we are all wounded. And this is still something that I am working on…
There is so much suffering in the world, I feel the collective pain so deeply, and even if improving things is important for the future of our Collective, the thing that I am so aware of right now is that I don’t want to be that person that adds to that suffering, but the one that alleviates it as much as possible, through the other gifts that exist in my design.
What I learned during a long process of looking inward is that, even if you have a gift, that does not mean that you always have to use it. And here your decision-making strategy and knowing your shadows play such an important role.
Please, remember that if you let your mind make the decisions for you, even what you want to correct, can be distorted because it comes from your shadows.
Do you want to make that correction, just to prove yourself?
Do you want to make that correction to attract more attention?
Do you want to make that correction because of the pressure you feel?
Or, being an emotional being, you make that correction, somewhere on your wave, before reaching that place of clarity because you just want to get rid of that chemistry?
All of these things and more can distort our Judgement without us realizing it.
The first thing to keep in mind is that this is a projected strength, which means that even if you do have this gift, it needs to be recognized and invited to work properly. If you initiate a correction without being invited to do so, you will always encounter resistance.
So, what I love about BG5 is that for the first time, it allowed me to SEE. When you understand the mechanics of your design and how each piece is meant to be used, you have a choice.
Before, I had no choice, I was just blindly following my urge to correct and had no idea where the issues in my relationships were coming from and how much unnecessary pain I was causing to the people around me.
Please remember that everything that is defined in your design can work in a healthy or unhealthy way. Knowing your design, living it, according to your mechanics, and following your decision-making strategy, brings the healthy expression of each of your unique gifts.
So, if you have the gift of Judgement, ask yourself:
Am I using it in a healthy or unhealthy way?
By using my gift, am I adding more pain to the world or more love and compassion?
This choice, that now you can make, because you know, will determine if this will play out in your life as a gift or as a curse.
The choice is yours and this is not a mental choice, when you follow your decision-making strategy, you will always be guided to use your gifts healthily.

Meet Alina Jitariu, one of our esteemed Instructor for BG5 Foundation and various BG5 Business Institute special programs in Romanian language.
Alina is a career and business BG5 Consultant and an Instructor for the BG5 Business Institute. She is a published author with a solid background in psychology, training and human development.
With her life work theme of Service, she is here to assist and serve humanity with her unique gifts and talents. She has a logical understanding of what it means to be human, being moved by dissatisfaction to focus on correcting, reorganizing and serving humanity.
Alina uses a holistic approach in her work, being able to see a person beyond the surface. Having a completely open Identity she naturally acts as a mirror being able to guide people back into alignment with their true authentic self.
If you are ready for a true and radical transformation, if you are ready to live at your fullest potential, Alina is the right person for you to assist you on your personal journey of self-discovery and self-mastery.
Be on the lookout for these courses coming soon and join Alina Jitariu on an empowering journey to unlock the secrets of BG5 and cultivating a winning mindset.
Join her next BG5 Foundation Course in Romanian language