By: Alina Jitariu – BG5BI Instructor
August 2023
Hello Beautiful Community,
My name is Alina Jitariu, and I am an Emotional Classic Builder. I live in Romania and I am a BG5 Certified Consultant & BG5 Foundation Course Instructor for the BG5 Business Institute. I am 5 years in my BG5 process and experimenting with my design, so I do have a lot of stories to share about my journey. And, what a journey! I can definitely say that BG5 completely changed my personal and professional life!
So, I guess it all started with the classical path… go to school, get a good-paying job, get married, have a family, and wait for retirement to really enjoy life!
Since I can remember, I was always drawn to the realm of psychology, understanding the mysteries of how a person really works and the mysteries of life and also helping other people… As a kid, my friends naturally came to me for advice or just to share their struggles and I felt so compelled to help and be of service. So, at 18 years of age, in 1998 (OMG, it seems like ages ago), I really wanted to go to the Psychology university, but my father, whom I respect and adore, had other plans for me. He told me:” Psychology? That is for crazy people, you should get a real practical job! You should be an engineer and have a good family life!”. So, I studied engineering for 5 years and after I graduated, I got my first job in a big automotive corporation with a beautiful paycheck at the end of the month. So, I was living the normal, accepted life… right?
To be honest, I did learn a lot of practical business skills… After knowing my design more in-depth, I am a very logical person, having the strengths of Organization (17-62) & Judgement (18-58), so that kind of job was not completely unsuited for me. Plus that it was a WA, which is the trans auric form of the large group dynamic and one of my work environmental styles is large groups…
And here I met my Portuguese husband. Now I laugh… of course, being a 6-59, I was looking for the most exotic genetic mix… Genes. What to do with the genetic imperative?… So, we had two amazing boys and I saw my entire life unfolding beautifully. I got the job, I got the love, I got the marriage, I got the kids… But, life had other plans for me… Of course, I am a 1/3, so life bumped into me… really hard!
Long story short, I got divorced, seeing myself lost, confused, and alone with a 6 and a 4 years old… Plus, I do have a completely open Identity and direction and my husband was defining that for me during our marriage. So, who was I without him? What to do? Where to go? During our marriage collapse process, although we were really good friends, we decided that we should both follow our hearts, so I signed up for Psychology University and he left his management corporate job to become a singer.
After I graduated from Psychology and finished my maternity leave, I went back to the corporate world, but this time in the HR department. Being responsible for all training and development programs for the company, where I learned a lot: building a training department from scratch, writing procedures and manuals, skill matrices, organizing training, hiring trainers for my team, etc. I loved the job! But to be honest, I felt like I was never truly seen for my potential, and the bigger contribution I could have brought seemed like it was not needed, so I accumulated a lot of frustrations till the point that I was crying all day. I felt no meaning in my job, and my body collapsed in exhaustion. It became painful for me to go to work every day. With being an open Identity, being in the right place is crucial, so I definitely felt like that place was not healthy for me anymore and I was praying for a way out…
During this time, I met my second husband, an Emotional Initiator, who took me and my kids under his protective and loving wings. I think it was the first time I ever entered into a love relationship correctly. I did not initiate, he was the one initiating and I really took my time to clarify If I am able to enter into another marriage or not. It took me almost 6 months to say” yes” to his marriage proposal. Before, I was not able to wait for 6 minutes…
So, he was a big part of me starting my healing process and getting on the right track… He supported me to leave that job because he saw how frustrated and unhappy I was. So, I left the corporate job, relieved that I did not have to go there anymore, but still recovering and also feeling lost regarding what my next steps should look like, professionally. As I was responding to different healing modalities, I encountered a lady in 2018 who asked me: “Do you also want a Human Design reading?” I was thinking… Human Design? What is that?” So, I googled it and I immediately felt that I found something… So, I said: ” Yes, what do I have to lose? ”
Human Design was a small portion of my session, she was also using other modalities and when I asked about possible career paths for me, she told me. “Alina, psychology was a good start for you, but you are not the classical psychologist. You are here to embrace a more holistic tool, such as Human Design. You would be great at it! I recommend you go search for the business application of Human Design and just take the first course and then, see what happens from there…”
So, curious as I was and being so impacted by our session (I had chills almost all the time when she was talking about Human Design, so I knew there was something there for me to investigate)… I did. I accessed the BG5 website and as I was reading what was there, even if it was a completely new world and language for me, something deep inside resonated so much. So, I thought during the week, I checked in daily and got more and more excited (I didn’t know then, but I was getting clarity on my emotional wave), and I found Karen Sherwood’s Foundation Course and I got all excited inside.
I informed my husband about my process and he asked me: Do you really want to go to this course? And I said: ”îhî!” He said:” Ok, then we will make it happen. What do you need?”
So, after a long introduction (thank you for your patience), I arrive at my BG5 story.
I started my first BG5 Foundation course, just to understand myself better and see what would be the correct professional career path for me. I had no idea what I was getting into. What started just as a course became the theme of my entire life. I was living and berating BG5 day and night. I felt like a dry sponge that could absorb anything… I started to watch my life, my family, and my friends, all through BG5 lengths.
Just after I left the corporation, and I jumped into the big void, I started my own solopreneur journey, I opened up my first psychology practice and I was starting to help close people around me with the tools I gathered during my process (Psychology, Theta Healing, NLP, etc). Little by little, as I was learning more about BG5, I started to practice and introduce this tool to my clients as I became a BG5 certified consultant.
After I finished my certification and I was doing mainly BG5 Career analysis for a growing clientele, I was sure that this is what I will do for the rest of my life, because I loved it so much! I saw how it changed my personal life and also how it became a profession for me and how it was impacting my client’s lives.
After certification, Karen asked me if I would like to start training to become an Instructor. Wow, I remember how excited I was, even today! So, I started to assist in some classes as a teacher’s assistant. I learned so many things from Karen and I am grateful for how she took care of me during this process, teaching and supporting me in this new journey.
I had so many “miracle” moments on this journey that I could write a book. One was when it seemed like this process of me becoming an instructor was stopped or put on pause. So, I took my time, I processed what was unfolding and I left it to the Universe. I said to myself: “If it is meant to be it will be, if not, maybe this was not the right path for me and I accept that”. So, after I let go of control and fell into acceptance, one day I received the most amazing news when Lynda, told me that she liked my application and that she would like me to be part of the BG5 Business Institute and be the first Instructor for România for the BG5 Foundation Course!
So, I am happy that I was able to start my 1st BG5 Foundation course, in the Romanian language, in July 2023.
This was such a journey! Such a personal and professional growth process… and what I learned the most is that I can truly trust my design and that I do not need to force things to happen and just trust that life will bring me the next step in divine timing.
So, I have some amazing people at the BG5 Business Institute that made all of this happen, so I want to end by sending my profound acknowledgment and love to:
- Karen Sherwood, my first instructor and mentor. A brilliant instructor and human being.
- Lynda Bunnell, the Dean of the BG5 Business Institute, who saw something in me and gave me the opportunity to become an instructor and welcomed me as a part of the BG5 family with open loving arms.
- Sara McGowan, the BG5 Institute Administrator, who was such an amazing support during this time of learning and transitioning to my new role.
So, these amazing ladies, are my 3 beautiful “angels” that made all of this possible!
A special thanks to my fellow assistants and also to the students that I interacted with for supporting me in my assisting process. It was such a fun learning process for me… amazing students, by the way!

I could have not done this without each and every one of you! So, thank you all, and let’s build an amazing BG5 international community that Ra would be proud of his legacy and put BG5 on the business map – where it truly belongs!
With great humbleness and respect,